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Extra Life - "What is Carved", live at Glazart (Paris) 1/18/23
"Puppet", live with chamber orchestra, at National Sawdust, (Brooklyn) 6/14/18
Darius Jones quintet, live at Roulette Intermedium, (Brooklyn NY) 6/15/19
Charlie Looker, solo guitar, live at Big Ego Studios, (Long Beach CA) 5/13/21
Score for Alexa Echoes, by visual artist Amanda Turner Pohan, for 2 flutes, and 2 sopranos. premiered at EMPAC (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY), 2/4/21.
"Atrocities" (Antony & the Johnsons cover), live at le Centquatre (Paris), 7/9/16
Quartet w/ Mary Halvorson, Mick Barr, and Tyondai Braxton, at The Stone (New York) 1/14/15
Presentation on musicological/philosophical essay, On Melisma, (Last Things YouTube), 11/23/21
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